Bug Report

As with any other software, issues do come up during various usage scenarios that may not be accounted for during development and testing. Help from real users is enormously helpful.

Please report bugs and odd behaviors with:

Include --debug Output

If possible, when reporting a bug, please include the command that caused the issue in debug mode. You can do this by running the command with the --debug option. This will allow for clearer communication of what was going on and a somewhat easier time resolving the issue.

For example, below is the output of a failed yojenkins command in debug mode.


yojenkins server info --debug

Terminal Output


[  TIME  ] [ MS ] [FILENAME              :  LN] MESSAGE
[18:49:09] [505 ] [cli_utility.py          :  64] Tool version: 0.0.00
[18:49:09] [506 ] [cli_utility.py          :  76] System information:
[18:49:09] [506 ] [cli_utility.py          :  77]     - System:    Linux
[18:49:09] [506 ] [cli_utility.py          :  78]     - Release:   5.11.0-43-generic
[18:49:09] [506 ] [cli_utility.py          :  79]     - Version:   #47~20.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 13 11:06:56 UTC 2021
[18:49:09] [506 ] [cli_utility.py          :  80]     - Machine:   x86_64
[18:49:09] [506 ] [cli_utility.py          :  81]     - Processor: x86_64
[18:49:09] [506 ] [cli_utility.py          :  82]     - Python:    3.8.10
[18:49:09] [506 ] [cli_utility.py          :  83]     - In Docker: False
[18:49:09] [507 ] [cli_utility.py          :  84]     - Bundled:   False
[18:49:09] [513 ] [utility.py              :  94] Loading specified local .json file: '/home/ismet/.yojenkins/history' ...
[18:49:09] [515 ] [utility.py              : 106] Successfully loaded local .json file
[18:49:09] [516 ] [cli_utility.py          : 246] Logging command to command history file: "/home/ismet/.yojenkins/history" ...
[18:49:09] [523 ] [rest.py                 :  32] Starting new requests session (Type: FuturesSession) ...
[18:49:09] [524 ] [auth.py                 : 334] Successfully found credential file "credentials" found in user configuration directory: /home/ismet/.yojenkins
[18:49:09] [524 ] [utility.py              :  94] Loading specified local .toml file: '/home/ismet/.yojenkins/credentials' ...
[18:49:09] [525 ] [utility.py              : 106] Successfully loaded local .toml file
[18:49:09] [525 ] [auth.py                 : 371] Number of listed profiles found: 4
[18:49:09] [526 ] [auth.py                 : 376] Ignoring profiles that do not have at least the following keys: jenkins_server_url, username ...
[18:49:09] [526 ] [auth.py                 : 380]     - Profile 1 of 2: "default" - OK
[18:49:09] [526 ] [auth.py                 : 380]     - Profile 2 of 2: "testing" - OK
[18:49:09] [526 ] [auth.py                 : 403] Argument "--profile" was not specified
[18:49:09] [526 ] [auth.py                 : 418] Environmental Variable "YOJENKINS_PROFILE" not set
[18:49:09] [526 ] [auth.py                 : 426] Successfully found "default" profile in the configuration file
[18:49:09] [527 ] [auth.py                 : 447] The following profile has been loaded:
[18:49:09] [527 ] [auth.py                 : 448]     - Profile:             default
[18:49:09] [527 ] [auth.py                 : 449]     - Jenkins Server URL:  http://localhost:8080
[18:49:09] [527 ] [auth.py                 : 450]     - Username:            admin
[18:49:09] [527 ] [auth.py                 : 502]     - API Token:           **********************************
[18:49:09] [527 ] [rest.py                 :  98] Checking if server is reachable: "http://localhost:8080/login" ...
[18:49:09] [528 ] [rest.py                 : 157] Request URL: http://localhost:8080/login
[18:49:09] [533 ] [rest.py                 : 221] Failed to make request. Exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8080): Max retries
exceeded with url: /login (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7effbfcd6c40>: Failed to establish a new
connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))
[18:49:09] [533 ] [rest.py                 : 110] Failed. Server cannot be reached or is offline

Jenkins server connection failed (Server: http://localhost:8080)
Possible causes:
  - Wrong Jenkins server URL: http://localhost:8080
  - Network/Internet is down
  - Server container is down
Possible solutions:
   - Fix yo network connection to server
   - Check if the server container or container engine is up and running


The --debug option is designed such that it will not expose any sensitive information, however please make sure that you censor any shown information that you do not want appear in public!